Thyristor Switched Harmonic Filter

Static harmonic filter bank is used under conditions when there is rapid  reactive power transition. Via this bank transition is eleminated.

 This is a maintenance free system. At static( with thriystor switched) compensation systems it runs according to activating capacitor banks at bus voltage and capacitor voltage at sinus zero point.

Muda Energy static harmonic filter board is made of capacitor type which is respectively heavy service for each level, harmonic filter reactor, zero triger control circuits, thryistor controll unit, rapid type NH fuse and a reactive power control relay.

If we rate advantages of static thryistor switched compensation system below;

- Activating and deactivating period is minimum 20ms
- Frequently activates and deactivates
- Doesn't create transition current and voltage dips
- Immediately activates without waiting discharge of capacitors
- Triggers every phase respectively and "0" point transition
- Maintenance free
- Level power can be integrated as it is preffered
- Without sound
- Reactive level keeps at low level
- Doesn't create ditch

Thristor Switched Harmonic FilterStatic Harmonic Filter

Thyristor Switched Harmonic Filter Technical Specifications :

Operating Voltage  230V.....1000V
Operating Frequency 50Hz - 60Hz
Operating Power 5-2500kVAr
Capacitor Type Heavy duty capacitor
Reactor Will be project for load
Switching Type Thyristor
Protection Fuses NH 00
PF Relay LCD screen smart type
Ambient Conditions -25C / +55C
IP Class IP21
Work Type Indoor / Outdoor
Standarts IEC 60831, IEC 60439, EN 60831, EN 60439